Learning biology biology and evolution through predictive modeling…
We design, develop, and deploy new algorithms for predicting evolutionary variation from OMICS data sampled in humans, primates, and beyond!
We are developing a number of systems to test fundamental evolutionary hypotheses about rapid evolution in nature using insects
We study population genomic variation using new predictive and Bayesian approaches for classifying genomic regions, predicting genetic ancestry, and reconstructing demography. We seek to apply these methods in several insect systems to illuminate the molecular basis of rapid adaptation.
We are developing and applying an array of statistical learning algorithms for predicting drivers of functional trait evolution (e.g., gene expression), and models of genome evolution.
Mathematical & Algorithmic Phylogenetics:
putting the genome into phylogenomics
We are developing and applying an array of new approaches for dissecting chromosome-scale variation in genealogical history, and for testing hypotheses concerning variation among individuals, populations, and species